Justin Dervaes, the “Biodiesel Man’s” Biodiesel Recipe

Path To Freedom’s Justin Dervaes is the “Diesel Man” of this Urban Homestead family. I had the good fortune to spend a nice afternoon with he and his inspiring family at the Cottonwood Film Festival, Home Grown Revolution film screening and freedom gardenois swap-n-meet in Encinitas, CA June 6,2009.

The Recipe:

1 Liter oil (waste oil)
220 milliters methanol
4 gms lye

While oil is heating up to 130 degrees, combine the methanol and lye together. This converst to the biodiesel

To support there good works and get the book, Biodiesel Homebrew Guide, Jules refers to go to Path to Freedom’s great online storestore front at http://www.peddlerswagon.com/

You will also find hand crank blenders, watering pots that water by being buried in the garden, and many other great, sustainable homestead must haves for the organic gardener.

Links: For the main website Path To Freedom http://www.pathtofreedom.com

For  Jules Dervaes website: http://www.julesdervaes.com http://www.dervaesgardens.com

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